Your trusted partner in
securing CCTV systems

Many businesses are unaware that their current CCTV solutions, while securing cameras, don’t protect the transfer of the feed to storage. With Netlinkz VSN all CCTV cameras’ live video feeds directed to video surveillance control and storage systems will be encrypted with the highest levels available.
On top of this, every camera, connection, remote user, and monitoring device becomes invisible to cyber threats regardless of your existing infrastructure.

Secure all the
important “things”

IoT devices and ecosystems create massive advantages for enterprises. They do, however, also create backdoors for hackers to corrupt your business’ network.
Only Netlinkz VSN instantly secures all data transfers, analysis and storage from smart devices with the highest level of encryption available, and makes every device invisible as a target to hackers.

Easy adoption across
your entire business

Netlinkz VSN avoids the complicated process changes, expensive hardware upgrades or complex software hacks associated with current network solutions.
Your IT team can easily monitor and manage your whole network for performance and security, saving money on extensive training, poor adoption and complicated workarounds.

Built for the future
of your business

Designed and built cloud-first the VSN gives organisations the utmost security and protection of their cloud-based assets and activities. As more and more apps and platforms move to the cloud VSN enables you to take advantage of the best the cloud has to offer without any security risk.

One solution for
every architecture

The interoperability and scalability of the VSN means businesses overlay it on with any combination of hardware, software, and data centres and instantly and significantly improve network performance and security.

Getting started with
VSN is as simple as:

let’s grab your details

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about VSN